Mixture of Four Awarded


Michigan Arts and Cultural Council Awards $4,000 Grant to The Mixture of Four

Detroit, Michigan - The Chalfonte Foundation is thrilled to announce that The Mixture of Four has been awarded a $4,000 grant from the Michigan Arts and Cultural Council mini grant program. This exciting new program is an hour-long talk show for children that is hosted by children with a focus on Detroit's arts and cultural community. It will be featured on the Detroit Broadcasting Company's website where it will be transmitted to the world via an online video streaming platform.

The Mixture of Four is hosted by four dynamic fifth-grade boys from Detroit: Cleveland Gregory, David Winkler, Oscar Callahan, and Sy'Aire Liddell. The hosts bring fresh perspective and energy, and they are excited to share their experiences and insights with their audience. The show will feature segments on dancing, video gaming, cooking, and performing arts. It will also showcase interviews, collaborations, and studio visits with Detroit artists, introducing viewers to different neighborhoods and cultural hotspots while giving them a taste of the creative energy Detroit has to offer.

Not only is this a talk show for children that is hosted by children, but also, young interns will assist in the filming and editing of the show. The mission for The Mixture of Four is to engage and enrich the lives and minds of Detroit's adolescents. “Whether our youth are being filmed, doing the filming, participating on the show as a guest, or watching the talk show at home,” says program director Bri Hayes.  “We hope the hosts, crew and audience gain a new perspective and understanding of the rich art and cultural history and community Detroit has to offer.”

The Michigan Arts and Cultural Council grant will be used to invite highly qualified, topic-aligned artists as special guests on the talk show. These special guests are experienced visual and performing artists and educators with deep roots in the Detroit region. The Detroit Broadcasting Company will record The Mixture of Four and their guests by instructing youth on conducting interviews, operating video cameras, recording and editing footage and broadcasting episodes to the world. 

The Mixture of Four is a groundbreaking program that showcases the immense creativity and diversity of Detroit's arts and culture. “We are grateful for the Michigan Arts and Cultural Council's support and look forward to sharing this unique program with audiences both in Detroit and around the world.” says Aaron Timlin, president of the Chalfonte Foundation

The Chalfonte Foundation is now seeking applications from youth to apply for a position with the production as cast or crew.  For more information please contact the Foundation at info@chalfonte.org

The Chalfonte Foundation is a non-profit organization whose programmatic mission is to provide spiritual, psychosocial, recreational, and educational support to children and their families in need.


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